Mandako is a western Canadian company. The largest landroller manufacturer in the world in the heart of Manitoba. Mandako produces high quality landrollers, vertical tillage, heavy harrows, chisel plows, mower swing arms, and cover crop crimpers.

Kelley MC
KMC is a leading American manufacturer of the Phillips Rotary Harrow tillage tool.

Crary Industries

Agro Trend
Agro Trend is a Canadian manufacturer of quality-built tractor and skid steer mounted snow throwers for agricultural and commercial applications.

Tote-Top Mega Funnel is an American made product that sits on top of your ICB totes and allows you to quickly & easily pour fluids into your tote. Used oil, used anti-freeze etc. This unique design is built for ease of use. Let your pails and funnels drip dry while you get back to work. Clean shops, less oil waste, less hazards. Used by thousands of Farmers, Mechanics, Dealerships and Manufacturers across North America.

Custom Quality Manufacturing
Quality made box blades for a variety of uses. Not just a snow blade anymore! Spread gravel, dirt, and sand with ease. Pile and push silage. These blades are built by Canadians for Canadians! With the option for a unique trip edge clearing snow in curbed lots causes less damage to the cement. Attach to almost any machine! Available in sizes from 5’ to 14’

HFL Laneway Graders
Proudly built in Canada, HFL Manufacturing has been building quality laneway graders for many years. Built tough, reliable, with a unique design that gives you constant down pressure compared to a 3pt hitch design. Easily breaks into the hard packed ground to bring gravel back to the surface. Easily breaks and roughs up icey/snowy surfaces. Easily fills in ruts and pot holes. Available in 8′ or 10′ laneway graders.